Friday, 14 March 2014

Make your website mobile friendly

mobile repsonsive website design
The digital marketing landscape in Australia is changing rapidly and small business needs to be proactive about keeping up with the pace. I can hear some of you saying, But Im not good with technology,or Im not a computer geek. However, you dont need to be proficient in computer lingo, or to keep up with all of the latest apps, devices and social media sites, but you do need to have some awareness of whats available and to take some interest in new developments, for the sake of your business. 

The number of Australian consumers who are now accessing the internet via a mobile phone, tablet or i-Pad is increasing rapidly. According to the Official Australian Google Blog, Australia has the second highest smartphone penetration in the worldahead of the US, UK, and Japan. And as more and more people come out of existing phone contracts, those who havent already done so will no doubt upgrade their phone to a smart phone, which will in turn see even greater mobile penetration across the country.

So a very important question that you need to ask yourself is, Does my website have a mobile responsive design?
If youre not sure what a mobile responsive designis, youre not alone, as there are plenty of other business owners who dont what it means either But on the other hand, why be part of the pack when you can get an edge on your competitors?

A mobile responsive website design is a website that automatically adjusts to fit the screen size of the desktop computer, tablet or smartphone browser on which it is being viewed. On a non-responsive design, what you see on your smartphone will be exactly the same as what you would see on a desktop computer. However, because there is no difference, when you attempt to view such a site on a mobile device, you constantly need to zoom in. and then scroll around frequently so as to be able to read the usually very small text, or click on any of the buttons. In contrast, a mobile responsive design adjusts the layout so that the text fits the screen exactly and so becomes very clear and easy to read, while the buttons are in a format that is large enough for even the biggest fingers and thumbs to use. As you can imagine, all of this combines to make for a much more positive user experience.

Not sure if this applies to your website?

If you are using an analytics tool such as Google Analytics on your website, you can see for yourself how many visitors to your site are using a mobile device. Simply go to Audience > Mobile > Overview and you will see a pie chart showing the percentage of visitors coming to your site using a mobile device. If this number is very low, or there is a very high bounce rate, this would suggest that your site is not especially easy to read or use for viewers using a mobile device. 

Ultimately, if you are not providing a mobile-friendly experience for your customers they are very likely to leave your website and go to a competitor whose site is easier to use. Can that really be good for your business?

Written by +Denise Angus


  1. This is great info and the pace of change is certainly rapid. In fact I read and earlier blog you wrote that has really stuck in my head. As Quoted by you.
    If you think the pace of Digital Media is fast at present then take a minute to absorb the fact that it is actually more than likely the slowest it will be going forward. That is scary to think about, but reading blogs like yours certainly helps me to stay across this for myself & my clients. Thanks Denise and the team at Mediagain.

  2. Glad you found benefit in reading this blog. Thank you for your comment.
    All the best from Denise at Media Gain
